
I'm Kyrsten. First, let's get some housekeeping out of the way...the proper way to pronounce my name is Kur-sten. It's okay, you'll screw it up a few times.

I grew up playing soccer, volleyball and high-diving. I love competition and was fortunate to have sports take me across Canada and Europe. You can bet this carries this into Kulture's events as well. Nothing wrong with a little friendly competition, striving to be the one that folks turn to for event operations. 

Travelling and volleyball have etched themselves in my DNA and I take every opportunity to do either. So if you're doing a touring event, we're in, and the ball will be there for some crew fun.

I geek out OPERATIONS & LOGISTICS, which is awesome because everything involves it! Even the grocery list hanging on my fridge was made in excel. Pairing that with a love for outdoor events, festivals and touring, has brought me to over 200 CITIES in Canada! We have a B-E-A-Utiful country and if you haven't seen it, go!...right after you're done reading this. ;)

I love the atmosphere of outdoor events and I've got a damn good knack for productivity and organization. Put those together with my innate geek and it's a WIN-WIN - for you and for us. I get to play nicely in my favourite sandbox and you feel sane! :)

Originally an east-coaster, my LOVE for events started as a kid living in Winnipeg going to the Airshow. I still have a signed photo from an F15 Demo Pilot hanging in my place. Feeding off the excitable ENERGY, I was more curious about how all these massive planes fit in one area, than if they had twist ice cream...and I LOVE ice cream.

Seeking out that ENERGY and has never stopped. Whether professionally managing the operations of a national tour, or personally scooping up the opportunity to participate in our Canadian Armed Forces 'Operation Collaborative Spirit' (aka Soldier For a Day) program.

Indoors or outdoors, be it +40 or -50 degrees, torrential downpour, chinook winds or 15ft of snow, I'M IN. My experience has taught me everything to plan for, yet keeps me humble knowing that curves balls WILL come our way every. single. time. Plan for the worst, hope for the best.

I often get asked why I want to work in one of the most stressful industries. Haha! It's because I enjoy seeing individuals and their teams SUCCEED WITHOUT THE BURN OUT. Because it is possible. The way we do things ensures your team's on the same page in real time. Expectations are set from the get-go and managed effectively.

Being adaptable, agile and responsive has been the key to my success, is what Kulture Productions has been founded on, and is what will create your vision and the event's legacy.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Talk soon,


© 2021, Kulture Productions. All rights reserved.
